Saturday, December 8, 2012

Can a foreign invest in real state with a b1b2 visa ?

Q. I am a foreign that want to buy ( invest ) in real state at the usa , can i do it ?
what would be my inmigrant status , i have in mind to buy 3 -4 houses , then sell or rent

A. you can buy property/real estate in USA. but it won't change your b1b2 visa - a temporary non-immigrant status to immigrant status. owning a property in USA doesn't give you any benefit on your immigration status
besides, you will violate your non-immigrant visa /b1b2 visa status if you earn income by renting your property.

USA and Mexico should become one country what do you think?
Q. I just thought of this I mean that would solve the usa economic problems with more land for real state and untapped resources, stop the cash flow to deport the same illegal immigrants over and over again, would take down the immature border wall, and it would send wealth to mexico helping poverty and crime with a stable government.

A. Yes good idea!

Let's annex Mexico and then apply all of our social welfare, giveaways, food stamp, and laws to all of the �new� would bankrupt this nation and make paupers and peasants of us all.

Do you know a very good and approved on line real state school in USA?
Q. I live in Australia and I would like to get a Brokers license in USA?Do you know what school is the best one offering good online courses?

A. You can try the school below, not sure about the online or out of U.S. deal. Good Luck!

How do you determine a sample size for an unknown population that can state with a predetermined confidence?
Q. The real problem is quantifying the margin of error in terms of potential fails (in a pass fail situation). How many parts must be tested to quantify with a resonable confidence level the number of failures. What's a good way to go about designing a sample plan for an unknown population?

A. I believe the sample size is purely empirical (i.e. by past experience). It need not be large, but sufficient to accurately represent the targeted population. Any large sample size can gives slightly less margin of error but will involve huge cost in data collection and interpretation.

For example, all opinion polls for elections, product survey, consumer feedback in USA involves a sample size of about 1,500 people with margin of error of +/- 3%. This is amazing, but only thing is that samples must be from diverse geographic locations and background. A sample size of 50,000 people will give a margin of error of +/- of 1%, but such a high accuracy is not needed and conducting interview of such a large group is time consuming and expensive.

The US dept. of labor issues monthly unemployment statistics by conducting household surveys of only 5,000 families. The results are constantly evaluated and sampling method is updated for next survey, as needed.

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