Monday, December 10, 2012

What's a solution/strategy to prevent a famine from happening in Vietnam again?

Q. During World War 2, there was a famine in Vietnam. What's one way to help reduce the chances or prevent a famine from happening again in Vietnam and improve the quality of the environment?

A. Increased use of a form of soil called Terra Preta or biochar which can increase crop yields up to 300 percent, requires less water and fertilizers, improves poor soils, reduces the need for deforestation, sequesters carbon to mitigate global warming and retains nutrients for centuries. This type of soil was discovered in the Amazon and was developed centuries ago by the natives there to improve poor soils.

Other means could employ drought-resistant strains of rice, aquaponics methods, etc..

Terra Preta...
"or terra preta do indio, has mystified science for the last hundred years. Three times richer in nitrogen and phosphorous, and twenty times the carbon of normal soils, terra preta is the legacy of ancient Amazonians who predate Western civilization. Scientists who long debated the capacity of 'savages' to transform the virgin rainforest now agree that indigenous people transformed large regions of the Amazon into amazingly fertile black earth. The Amazonians' techniques remain an enigma but are believed to have used slash-and-smolder to lock half of the carbon in burnt vegetation into a stable form of biochar instead of releasing the bulk of it into the atmosphere like typical slash-and-burn practices.

The difference between terra preta and ordinary soils is immense. A hectare of meter-deep terra preta can contain 250 tonnes of carbon, as opposed to 100 tonnes in unimproved soils from similar parent material, according to Bruno Glaser, of the University of Bayreuth, Germany. To understand what this means, the difference in the carbon between these soils matches all of the vegetation on top of them. Furthermore, there is no clear limit to just how much biochar can be added to the soil.

Claims for biochar's capacity to capture carbon sound almost audacious. Johannes Lehmann, soil scientist and author of Amazonian Dark Earths: Origin, Properties, Management, believes that a strategy combining biochar with biofuels could ultimately offset 9.5 billion tons of carbon per year-an amount equal to the total current fossil fuel emissions!"

Rice strains and local company here in town grows a million pounds of food and 10,000 fish per year from a 3 acre site using aquaponics methods....much more than a normal farm could grow

Why did vietnamese emigrate to US after Vietnam war?
Q. Why did they go to the US instead of another country? They helped diem dicatorship in South Vietnam, made a mess in North Vietnam. Why after all the problems US made to Vietnam, some vietnamese can even think of emigrating in US? Dont they have any pride? Do they want to yield to America again?

A. At first, I am a Vietnamese. You should believe that my answer can give you a better understand why.

Why did Vietnamese emigrate to US after Vietnam War?
Because Vietnamese love Freedom, We have not come to the U.S for Economic.

In 1975, North Communist invaded South Vietnam in term of Liberation. In fact, as a war victory, they killed a lot of former people who�s severed for former government. A thousand of Military and soldiers -Vietnam Republican were sent to Re-education Camp where lost their life there. Vietnamese people in city were removed from their homes for North Communist Officer. Their own properties were sealed and to be taken over by local communist government. In countryside, farmer's land was controlled by Local Government.

No freedom for Vietnamese after War. All Vietnamese love Freedom but We have paid the price for it. Many Vietnamese People lost their life on the ocean. The Children lost their father and mother.

The History of Boat People is now closed, but it is still there. We never forget.

If you were married in Vietnam, can you go there to get a divorce without a signature from the spouse?
Q. I have reason to believe that my fathers young wife has gone back to Vietnam and has possibly remarried there, without our knowledge of a divorce. She apparently went there in 08 and remarried, then came back here 3 weeks later. Is it possible to obtain a divorce there without the spouses signature???

A. There are 2 sides to this story. I've seen many of these old guy/ young woman marriages fall in a heap and its always the woman at fault. To answer your question, yes, she could have come back to Vietnam and obtained a divorce, regardless of where she was married. I doubt she would have remarried here. Not in 3 weeks anyway, and certainly not to another foreigner. But here's a question. Why would she do this via the back door relinquishing her right to property settlement? Is there any property involved or was this another case of an old guy promising the world and delivering very little, on all fronts? Seen it many, many times! I've also heard the woman's side of the story many times as well and they're all similar. Old guys are exactly that, old! Throw in alcohol, and or nicotine, and or prescription medication and you've got someone in need of a nurse, not a wife! I could say plenty more but most guys will know what I'm talking about. I suggest he contact a lawyer or the Family Court in his country. They can advise him on where he stands.

If I retire and then I move to another country Will I be able to receive my social security benefits? How?
Q. I have a friend who is close to retire(he's 67) he owns a property in Costa Rica and another in Cuba, yes in Cuba. Well he was told that if he move to another country he will loss his social security benefits as well as the medicare. How true is that? There is any way to maintain those benefits at the same time he has fun out there???

A. Benefits to Cuba are out, but Costa Rica is ok...

U.S. Treasury Regulations
U.S. Treasury Department regulations prohibit sending payments to you if you are in Cuba or North Korea. If you are a U.S. citizen and are in Cuba or North Korea, you can receive all of your payments that were withheld once you leave that country and go to another country where we can send payments. Generally, if you are not a U.S. citizen, you cannot receive any payments for months in which you live in one of these countries, even though you leave that country and satisfy all other requirements.

Social Security restrictions
Social Security restrictions prohibit sending payments to individuals in Cambodia, Vietnam or areas that were in the former Soviet Union (other than Armenia, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Russia). Generally, you cannot receive payments while you are in one of these countries, and we cannot send your payments to anyone for you. However, exceptions can be made for certain eligible beneficiaries in countries other than Cuba or North Korea.

To qualify for an exception, you must agree to the conditions of payment. One of the conditions is that you must appear in person at the U.S. Embassy each month to receive your benefits. Contact your nearest U. S. Social Security office or U.S. Embassy or consulate for additional information about these conditions and whether you might qualify for an exception.

If you do not qualify for payment under this procedure and you move from one of these countries to another country where we can send payments, you can receive all the benefits for which you were eligible except when you were in one of the countries listed in the section Social Security restrictions .

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