Sunday, December 9, 2012

How much is considered a good income/monthly salary in Singapore?

Q. How much do I have to earn monthly to be able to have a good life in Singapore if I'm going to live permanently?
I mean not to live in poverty or even a bit above poverty.

A. Depends on your cost of living and style of living.

Given that you rent a rm in HDB (around $500), eats at hawker centre ($4 per meal) and travel by buses and trains (monthly transportation average around $200 depending nature of work), the average cost is around $1200.

Given that you rent a 3 Rm HDB (Public Housing) wholly (I estimate $1500+/-), eats at hawker centre ($4 per meal) and travel by buses and trains (monthly transportation average around $200 depending nature of work), the average cost is around $2000.

Given that you rent a 2 Rm service apartment, eats at restuarant ($15 per meal) and travel by own private car (Montly car loan repayment + petrol+ maintenance works roughly about $1000), the average cost is around $5000.

So you need to draw a line on where is your line of comfort.

How much is the living expense in Singapore?
Q. I could get by at bare minimum in America for 725 US Dollars or about 930 Singapore Dollars. Can you survive with that much money in Singapore?
My 930 Singapore Dollars includes renting and food but nothing else. Utilities paid by the landlord.

A. Rent for one room in a public housing flat costs 700 at the very least. It could be all inclusive, depending on the lease agreement

Food costs $2.50 to $4.50 per meal at most places where locals eat, $2.50 for non-air conditioned places, $4.50 at foodcourts with aircon. You could cook but cooking is not cheap. Instant noodles and bread can be cheap though.

Alternative ways of helping poor people get better housing?
Q. Consider 3 alternative ways of helping poor people get better housing: government-subsidized housing that costs $3,000 per year, a housing voucher worth $3,000 per year toward rent on an apartment or house, or $3,000 per year in cash. Wich would you prefer if you were poor? On what grounds might you make your decision?

A. Subsidized housing at $3,000 a year would be a steal. That's only $250 a month when many "cheap" places are over $1000/month. So if the housing is any good, then that is by far the best deal for those few poor who can live in that housing and the most expensive for the government.

The other two don't help much just because:

1. They are so small compared with the cost of housing.

2. If everyone in town were suddenly $250/month richer, then rents all over town would go up.

There is a reason Hong Kong, Singapore, and many other countries have built a great deal of public housing.
(I mention H.K. and Singapore because people often think of them as pure capitalist economies but they are not. Not only do the governments provide most of the housing, they also provides universal health care.
hardly pure free enterprise with no government intervention.)

Now the question of whether the governments in the U.S. should get involved in the housing markets is a difficult one. And if your answer is yes, then there are the questions of which government(s) (federal, state, local, etc.) and what plan is best for society as a whole, not just the poor. But you didn't ask any of those questions.

How expensive is it to live in Singapore?
Q. I have a job offer from my company. I really want to go but would like to know more about costs. It will be a permanent position so how much would a moderate house or condo cost?

A. I agree with Saran's answer, but the price he's mentioning is for buying the property.

I dunno about house...but...

I suggest you rent a room or whole unit condo, it'll be cheaper than buying. For a room rent in condo the range is between 450-1,000SGD (spore dollar), if you want to rent the whole condo it'll cost you around 1,600-8,000sgd.

If you want cheaper place, I suggest you to look for an HDB (government housing). For 3bedroom and 1 hall HDB will cost around 1,200-2,000sgd, but if you are renting a room only in an HDB flat, it's about 300-600sgd.

Food is pretty cheap compared to any western countries, but more expensive than any other sout east asian countries since spore has the highest standard of living here. For example a portion of Fried rice will be about 3-6sgd.

For smoker, spore is a hell. A pack of ciggarete is about 8-10sgd. Drink is also expensive here...

Car is costly but public transportation is good and affordable. Just make sure you get the EZ link card as soon as you reach spore, it save more money than paying by cash.

Telephone bill...I suggest you to get post paid line from starhub, it's cheap and give you free incoming call. So you can get callback card, which will make you safe even more.

So...say you are renting a room in an HDB flat, travelling by public transport and eating normally with once a week clubbing...I think 1,500-2,000 sgd is enough to cover all your monthly expenses.

If you have anything else you wanna know...just msg me, will be glad to help... :o)

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