Monday, December 10, 2012

We have been in Afghanistan for seven years. After seven more years will we have enough equity to buy it?

Q. Hopefully, real estate demand in the mountanious Mid East will rebound and we can make a profit. I fought in Vietnam as a Marine and the only profit to be made is by Nike. Do they make shoes in Afganistan out of heroin poppy seeds?

A. I'm not sure if you are trying to be serious or funny. I'm sure they make shoes in afganistan, but the poppy has much better products. Morphine is made from the poppy (opium) and is high demand. I doubt the real estate will ever be of interest to anyone other than the local nationals so you dont have to worry about that.

Why did 9/11 victims familes have any say in what happens with WTC site?
Q. Why did the familes of 9/11 victims have any influence whatsoever in what happened to the site?

I don't get it, just cause a family member dies somewhere gives your ownership of a billion dollar property?

Just because someone in their family died there, does that give them business, economic, and real estate expertise in one of the highest-demand areas ever?

A. They didn't have much say, it was more symbolic. Of course the whole site is now symbolic.

By your logic, vietnam vets shouldn't have much say in their memorials, nor should WWII vets. Unless your statement is that it depends on the assumed value of the memorial's location. Perhaps it's time to take down the Lincoln, Washington, and Jefferson memorials... that's some expensive land in DC there.

How is Giving Iraq's Resources to Hezbollah and Al Qaeda going to help US National Security?
Q. That wouldn't be just "psychological emboldening", that would leave them money, materielle, resources and real estate for brick and mortar training grounds, which will imperil Americans' lives in the homeland.
How is this in our interest when millions of Americans may die as a result of more well-funded and sophisticated terror attacks?
When the US abandoned Vietnam, it 'only' resulted in 1.5 million south vietnamese dying--i.e. a regional conflict-- when the North Vietnamese took them over, whereas Iraq's consequences amount to a far more dangerous worldwide terror threat of great scope.
What's the benefit if millions die as a result of helping the enemy? Their stated mission is to kill Americans, so I don't get why some Americans want to help them achieve that end.
Hezbollah was behind the murder of hundreds peacekeeping US Marines sleeping in their barracks in Beirut in 1983.

A. Strategically it will lead to the fall of Sunni Saudi Arabia to the Shi'ite forces of Iran. This long running war of Islam is the true prize and the USA is the biggest stumbling block to success. We have shown to much resolute will to defend the Saudi's(Oil has to be the only reason as they are not nice people). Iranian hegemoney in the Islamic World will spell industrial disaster in the developed world(Wake up China you get shafted here too!). The Iranians like living in the 12th century and think we should all join them!
Fight now there or fight and loose here at home. It seems we may be on the path to the latter. I just thought these college educated Dems had more sense than they have displayed. Too bad a liberal arts education isn't what it used to be.

My fault for seeking a technical education and trying to apply scientific method?


Do you think Vietnam is poor compared to other southeast Asian countries?
Q. Do you think Vietnam is poor compared to other southeast Asian countries? Is Vietnam better than how it was before?

Thank you!

A. Vietnam remains a poor country, however, it's economic growth has been recognized globally, and is becoming a major trading partner with many countries. It is growing comparatively quickly in it's GDP (gross national product), when compared to it's Asian neighbors.

If you look at this link, it shows the amazing economical growth of the country.

Site includes a graph which makes it quite clear.
Via the same site, check out comparisons with it's neighbors. That alone shows you, and has been widely reported in the media that Vietnam's economic growth is overtaking many of it's neighbors.
From under 18 billion USD in 1985 to the continual climb today of over 91 billion USD and continues to climb.

See also.....

The current Vietnam Prime Minister has caused Vietnam to join the World Trade Organization and he went further so far to invite foreign investment.

Consider also, Chinese companies closing their companies in China and re-opening in Vietnam.

The overall result is substantial increases in real estate values, higher wages, an increased standard of living and improved social infrastructure such as schools and health.

Compared to some, ,... yes, still poor, but of others, has easily overtaken them.
It's future is in it's own hands. Investor confidence is growing, and if continued, could see Vietnam become a major economical zone of Asia.

There are many websites out there to view, but also look at notable publications like Business Review Weekly and similar.
Some commentators are suggesting that Vietnam has the real potential of becoming the new Singapore.

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