Sunday, December 9, 2012

Is sms spamming popular in your country?

Q. I always get a lot of advertising sms, most of which are advertisements of newly opened restaurents, on-sale real properties and discount infomation. It's like juck email, you can get tens of such sms per day.

Do you often get these kinds of sms in your country? Is it illegal to distribute sms to ppl without their permission?

A. Yes!!
Here in Spain I get new sms EVERYDAY!!
Its mostly from my operator, Movistar.

Do you really need a drivers license to sell real estate?
Q. My nephew really wants to be a real estate agent but he has epilepsy so he can't drive. But does a real estate agent really need to drive anymore in today's hi tech world of gadgetry? I was thinking that he could sell properties online and since he's fluent in Spanish he should focus on buyers from Spain/Latin America. What do you think os this possible?
I was thinking he can take photos and use them.

A. Though there is no requirements for a real estate agent to have a drivers license, it would be helpful if they were able to drive as to show certain clients properties and other related things necessary to complete a real estate transaction.

Where your nephew might excel in the real estate market is through relocation services. This is normally for companies that purchase houses for their executives. There are others that avail themselves to this service also.

It involves selling real estate and renting apartments and houses through pictures transmitted via the internet so as the person can get virtual picture of the property they are purchasing. There might be other services offered, however this is becoming a niche in the real estate market.

He could hire a competent photographer to take the pictures of properties for sale, download them to one of the many real estate programs. A web site with the pictures of properties for sale as well as print media would be able to advertise his properties for sale. Reliable marketing would keep him supplied with clients as well as constant referrals.

I hope this has been of some benefit to you,good luck.


Where can I find a property for sale by the owner in Spain ?
Q. I would like to save some cash by buying direct. I am not sure where I want to buy yet. Would like to see what's on offer in this current climate

A. You can use a local Spanish lawyer to help you.Most speak English too.

Try searching For Sale By Owner Spain or For Sale Privately or FSBO Property for sale by owner. Plenty sites come up

Also, I read a review in a local paper recently about a new website that has a massive financial backing, so it should become big Though it's not due for release for a few weeks.

Good Luck

Is it true that John Rolfe stole the tobacco plant/seed from the Carribean and no Native American actually?
Q. taught anyone from the Jamestown settlement to grow the seeds? I've read this 2 times on various websites but can't find the source of the info. Is this true?

A. Since Christopher Columbus wrote that the natives of San Salvador �drank smoke.� Tobacco was a HUGE hit AND completely controlled by the Spanish.
Originally consumed for its medicinal qualities, tobacco soon spread throughout the Americas. The Spanish began to grow tobacco in their American colonies and export it to the rest of Europe. Europeans quickly became addicted to tobacco.
Spain controlled the monopoly on tobacco.

In 1606 King Philip Ill of Spain decrees that tobacco may only be grown in specific locations--including Cuba, Santo Domingo, Venezuela and Puerto Rico.

Sale of tobacco to foreigners is punishable by death.

In John Rolfe's personal diary he recounts his "ILLEGAL DRUG DEAL".
And that is exactly what it was.
Rolfe located a Dutch drug dealer who was willing to sell him the dope.

Isn't this hilarious?

This probably happened in Trinidad. He stashed the illegal plants, and head to Virginia.

But point of fact, tobacco was considered a medical "drug" and Rolfe purchased stolen property from a thief that was tightly controlled by the Spanish Crown.

Spanish law prohibited the selling of plants to foreigners ..... Rolfe stole them.

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