Monday, December 10, 2012

Is it legal to change the name on the contract of a rented property?

Q. I am currently living in Melbourne, Australia and have a 6 month lease on my student apartment. I heard from some friends that they have changed the name on their contracts to someone else's name for various reasons, such as moving away, or finding a better place elsewhere. My question is, is this legal for all rented properties, or is it up to the management to allow that?

A. It is legal only if both parties agree to it. It legally can't just unilaterally be done by the renters. BUT it often is, and as long as the rent gets paid, most landlords don't object.

Tennessee: What is the requirement for a landlord to enter rented property?
Q. I recently began renting a property in Tennessee. When I walk in, my landlord is there, painting, or doing some other kind of repair. What are my rights, and what can I do to prevent him from just entering at his own will?

A. Basically, a landlord is only authorized to enter your rental property without asking permission when he/she feels his property is in jeopardy. (the tenant downstairs has water coming through her ceiling...he could enter your apartment to find the source of the leak, etc.) If he intends to paint, or do a repair which is not causing damage to his property, he is supposed to tell you of his intent ahead of time....
You can go to and click on the right hand column ("Renter's resources"), There are many landlord/tenant answers there~ In the intrim, I think I would tell him that you would prefer that he let you know ahead of time when he needs to enter your apartment (for non-emergency stuff) and that it makes you nervous to come home and find someone there...

What is the average insurance to run a home day care in San Diego, Ca? What about on rented property?
Q. I know that opening a daycare on someone else's property is a liability, but possible. Is there extra insurance needed? Do you talk with your landlord prior to renting the property? My father owns an apartment complex, and he said 'No way Jose' if one of his tenants would come to him with this proposition.

How much is the average home day care insurance in San Diego, Ca?

A. Probably tons of insurance. You also need to check for zoning regulations!!

What is the correct term for a land lord, or somebody who rents properties?
Q. Im looking for the correct term for a landlord, or somebody who invests their money into buying property and then renting these properties out? Would i be right in saying property developer? please help

A. There are a number of terms.

In legal jargon the "landowner" is known as the "freeholder" and to give it an archaic term he owns the land "in fee simple" (absolute ownership with no restrictions). If he grants a lease to someone, he is known as the "lessor" and the person renting is the "lessee".

A property developer normally buys a property, improves it but sometimes then sells it. He doesn't necessarily have to rent it out afterwards although often will.

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