Friday, December 14, 2012

What is a good formula for splitting profits on a rental property investment?

Q. I am involved in a 3-way investment on a rental property and we are being forced to sell because of a DOT project. Our profit on this property will be approximately $75,000 and we need to figure out how to split this up. Being close family members, we weren't too concerned about figuring this out we bought the property.

I would really appreciate any suggestions from real estate investors experienced with partnership investments like this.

Here are the figures for the capital and work/mangement invested by each party.

Investor #1:
Invested $150, 000 by taking out a regular home loan.
Lived at the property and payed "rent".
Did 85% of the maintenance, improvements and rental property management.

Investor #2:
Invested $75,000 from a home equity line of credit.
Did 0% of the maintenance, improvements and rental property management.

Investor #3:
Invested $25,000 from a home equity line of credit.
Did 15% of the maintenance, improvements and rental property management.

Thank you!

A. Since Investor #1 paid rent and primarily maintained the home, it would be split like this
$250,000 purchase price; profit is 75,000 (I assume you have already taken the maintenance out of this)
Investor #1 paid $150,000 / $250,000 = 60% of $75,000 profit = $45000
Investor #2 - paid $75,000 / $250,000 = 30% of $75,000 = $22500
Investor #3 - paid $25,000 / $250,000 = 10% of $75,000 = $7500

If you haven't taken out the maintenance, then you need to deduct the cost of maintenance out of the profit and pay each of the parties back for the maintenance they paid. Keep in mind that investor #1, as a renter, would normally have had to maintain the property but I'm assuming that he did more than just "maintain" the property.

How can I invest in cash only rental property not with cash but using a loan?
Q. I live in Los Angeles looking to buy rental property in Florida. I'm looking at small investments (under 40,000) to then rent out. How can I take out a loan so I don't use all of my own money? (Cash only sellers will not wait the period it takes to secure the loan . . . ).

A. You would need personal loans leveraged against your other assets.

YOu are very brave.

Drawbacks of using debt when investing in real estate?
Q. I have friends that tell me that they are making a lot of money by using leverage in real estate.
They say that it magnifies their profits while reducing their risks.
What are the drawbacks of using debt to invest in rental properties?

A. Declining real estate values. Tenants who don't pay.

What are some alternative ways to finance a 2nd rental property?
Q. Here is the situation. I have one rental property that is a triplex through a land contract in Columbus Ohio. I have had this property for about 6 months now. I am still learning the business of being a landlord so any advice is greatly appreciated. I am wanting to purchase another property but I don't have enough cash for a down payment on a loan through a bank. What are some options to purchase another property?

A. Oh my brother I have the same problem I find great deals all the time that will cash flow even if I borrowed 100% of the money but no one wants to lend.

Really, your only options are:

1) friends/family loans
2) bring on outside investors
3) hard money lenders
4) real estate investment clubs

2-4 can be found by google searches.

Good luck, I wish it were easier. I really hate lenders. They're the worst part of the work needed to invest.

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Monday, December 10, 2012

What type of insurance could be puchased for multiple homes that are purchased and being fixed up?

Q. In addition to our 2 homes, we currently own 2 houses that we are fixing up. I am wondering if I could get a blanket home owners policy that we insurance our homes as well as the homes that are being renovated

A. You need a "remodeler's builder's risk" on the houses you are fixing up, then tenant dwelling coverage on them when complete. Since the houses would be vacant - I wouldn't count on my homeowner policy to cover them.

Are you going to live in them or rent them out?

You might want to consider a property owner liability policy and then perhaps an umbrella (sold in $1M units -$1M, $3M, $5M) over the general liability.

Just find you a LOCAL independent agent - he should have several different companies with which to help you.

Good luck and I hope this helps!

how can you find out who own a certain piece ofproperty?
Q. found a vacant home and trying to find who owns it so i can either buy or rent it. any ideas on how to find it for free online.

A. Your county court house, get their web site or go in person, all you need is the address.

What is the easiest way to buy a home if I already own one to sell ?
Q. I own a condo and am looking to buy a home and sell my condo and use the equity for a down payment.

A. Most people don't find this a problem at all. You are not the only one wanting to sell the property you occupy to buy another home.
You put your home out for sale, and let the seller of your dream home know you want to buy it. If the timing is bad and you can't cross over from one to the other, you can do one of these:

1. Stay in your present home after selling it, but you tell the new owner you will rent it from them for a few months, or even a year before handing it to them with vacancy.

2. Buy the new place and tell them that you may have to take occupancy of the new place without having paid up fully yet, but you are either going to rent the new premises or pay them extra in the sale price. [Amounts to the same thing.]

3. Sell your present home, move out to temporary quarters like with relatives or a cheap hotel or some premises that are vacant because the owners don't live there except in summer or that happens to be vacant for the interval bridging your moving out of your old property and moving into your new property. Let the landlord know it is for a short term lease. The owners tend to charge more rent for short leases.

4. If you are monied, not working at your home because you have people working for you, go abroad and live in luxury premises. Especially to a country whose exchange rate favours your going there. Have a holiday with that rental money you would have to spend back home to do nothing but wait! Go learn a course and upgrade your marketability.

5. If you are at that age when the kids are studying abroad, go visit them with the excuse you have no place to stay and then you know what they are up to. And can continue to bond with them. You can do all these if your new home is cheaper than your old home!

You can call house movers who will tell you the costs of packing your household items and keeping it in their warehouse and charging you rent there, then move them to your new premises.

Your presence helps when the movers are packing, if you see what items are inside the boxes so you can label them: Bedroom 1 or Bedroom 4 or Living Room . Then go label your new home's doors with Bedroom 1 and Bedroom 4 and so on so they know which box to unpack where.

[Antiques you bring yourself to your temporary quarters. My soapstone hope chest had all the soapstone carvings fall off and I was not there to search for them in the boxes they came in because they had thrown it away. My teapots lost their lids. Grrrr! You must remember this when using movers.]

It is always psychologically pleasing to go to live in new premises. One of the fall-outs is that new babies get born each time the parents move house. Wonder why.

What do you look for when buying an investment property to rent?
Q. Any pointers? Like cheap houses to fix up and rent out.

A. If you are going to rent it out , do not put a ton of money in to this property , very few people make anything with just one house , and with the number of people who are defaulting, You will have to choose your tenants carefully without discriminating or that could lead to further legal trouble, my point is the majority of renters will not take care of your property , pipes will leak for months before you are notified , and BIG deal you keep the security deposit , most of the time the damage is more than the deposit , and if they stop paying rent , they get one month behind , most places has a thirty day eviction so that gives them two months rent free , then the tenants retaliate and destroy more , They can be made to fix the damage if you can find them to have them served with court papers , ...All I am saying is do not count on it as investment , because it will cost you more in the long run , NOW if there is a place that has the land you want ,with a so so house , you can do this , and let the rent help you make the payments to pay off the land , normally after 15 to 30 years the home is trashed and really not worth fixing , when the house sits vacant the payments do not , then you will more likely take in the next stranger with the money out of the urgency to rent , I had a friend to do that , the couple was very nice , had nice cars , always paid in cash , one day they were gone , come to find out those nice people manufactured meth in the home , the house had to be destroyed, the makers always look for the least likely place to get caught making that stuff. besides this is not TV , rich people do not rent, mostly those who do not pay their bills and have little or no credit are the ones who rent , Just trying to give you the other side of renting it is not easy nor is it like on TV , If you do this just for the land you may come out ok , but with a head ache , it can be done but it is no where near the easiest way to make money , I hated it when I rented properties , I finally just got out of it , and took my losses as the reminder to never do that again.

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What are the great neighborhoods to live in Toronto?

Q. I'm planning to move to Toronto at the end of this year or next and I would like some advice about which neighborhoods are nice to live.

I would like to share/roommate, paying around 550$ - 750$. Also, I would like to live in a neighborhood with people in their 20-30.

What do you suggest? Also, is there any website that can help me search for rent/roommate/etc.?


A. check this website out:

Toronto is often called a city of neighborhoods. Each one is different with its own unique character. If you are looking for a younger and hipper neighborhood, try King West, Queen West, Yonge / Eglinton. Many people I know (in their 20's) love Yonge / Davisville.

In these, you may be able to find accomodation for that price. Otherwise, for that price you may have to live in a neighborhood more off the beaten track.

Good luck,

What are some good websites to search houses for rent in Orange County, California?
Q. What are some good websites to search houses for rent in Orange County, California? (other than Craigslist and the OC Register)?

A. A site that is similiar to craigslist is

You can search homes in Orange County if you want.

What's the best UK website for searching apartments to rent?
Q. What's the best UK website for searching apartments to rent? What's a good price for a normal small bachelor?

A. I'd recommend
loads of ads for flats to rent, flat shares etc in all sort of price brackets

Searching for a vacation rental unit with lake view and high privacy in NJ this summer?
Q. I am searching to rent a unit to take my family to this summer.
I need to know some place or some search key work
Lake view
family of 3

A. try this sight !!

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What information does the landlord need to know to report me to the credit bureau for late rent?

Q. My landlord only know my name (not full name) and my phone number.
It's a long story. I don't live there anymore, but my old roommates still do. My name is on the lease, and they are living there month-to-month.

A. He knows where you live, doesn't he? But I'm a landlady myself; as long as you pull through with the rent your landlord isn't likely to report you to a credit bureau. He is more likely to charge you a fine for paying your rent late, and if he begins to fear that you won't pay your rent at all because of inconsistently paid rent then he might start the process of eviction. So the best thing to do is to apologize to your landlord and make sure that all future rent payments are made before the 1st of the month so that he'll begin to trust you.

Is a landlord obligated to provide the full name of a hired maintenance professional?
Q. Is a landlord in California, obligated to provide the full name and contact information for a person hired to perform maintenance on a rental unit? Specifically are they obligated to provide the information of a hired plumber?

Also, are they obligated to give notice if the water is going to be shut off in a rental unit?

A. Of course they are not. The plumber should knock on the door before turning off the water, but is not required to, if it needs to be turned off it is simply turned off, water can do a lot of damage very quickly.

The landlord does not have to disclose any information regarding anyone they hire to tenants. That is none of their business.

How much can a landlord reasonably raise the monthly rent cost when renewing a lease?
Q. Our landlord is installing new windows and glass doors in our rental house. We didn't ask for the improvements and will be inconvenienced during the installation. He says he's intending to raise the rent but how much is fair or legal? We live in Oregon.

A. If your rental agreement allows rent increases but does not say that your rent will increase on a particular date and by a definite amount, the landlord may not increase your rent by a percentage that is more than the percentage increase in the general cost of living.
An increase in the general cost of living is measured by the percentage increase in the Portland-Salem Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers for All Items as reported by the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics.

What penalty would a landlord incur by accepting additional rent money from a Section 8 tenant?
Q. If a landlord accepts (or demands!) extra money from a Section 8 tenant that pays with government vouchers, what penalty would the landlord face if caught doing so?

A. They are fined and booted from the program.

But, you need to realize that section 8 tenants pay part of their rent. We tax payers are only picking up part of it. Section 8 tells the landlord what they can charge though, and they can not charge more.

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Which is the best SEO company for Real Estate Business in India?

Q. I need to optimize my real estate business situated in USA. looking for cheap SEO provider in India.
Please suggest me some companies which you have experienced before.

A. Beware of outsourcing your SEO. I work for a U.S. search engine marketing company, so I answer from a position that could appear biased. But every time a former client, current client, or prospective client has worked with an Indian SEO firm, they have been disappointed or worse.

I can't generalize and say that every Indian SEO company is shady or incompetent. And I don't hesitate to point out that tons of U.S. search engine services are bad news too. But I think your chances of getting beneficial results are greater if you use an SEO company in your home country.

The cultural and language differences are definitely a factor. But it goes beyond that. A common feature of low-budget SEO companies is that, while they may do what they promise in terms of quantity - for example, obtaining links to your site with articles or blog posts, adjusting your site's content, and optimizing your site for search engines - the quality of the work is usually poor. You usually get what you pay for in this business. And sometimes it can even hurt your search engine presence.

I assume you're considering this out of budget concerns, which is completely understandable and reasonable. I suggest that you approach an established U.S. internet marketing company to give you a one-time consultation, ending with recommendations that you can carry through on your own for awhile. That would probably include some changes to your website and suggestions for how to obtain links to your site that won't result in a penalty and will over the long-term help boost your site's ranking.

And you can help yourself right now with one fundamental tactic. As a business serving a limited geographical area, you should ensure you have solid local optimization. That includes claiming or establishing your business listings on Google Places, Yahoo Local, and Bing Local.

Make sure your business is also listed in all major business directories like,, and And finally, look for real estate directories where you can add your business listing (many will require payment). In all cases, your goal is not only to get exposure for your business, but to establish links to your website.

Is there anyplace to get free foreclosure listings?
Q. I don't want to be hounded by people wanting me to sign up for their foreclosure listings. I am not a real estate agent. Am interested in SW New Mexico, SE Arizona, NE Arizona mostly.

A. If you want to find the best foreclosure listings in an area, check out this site

How can I find who the top 20 real estate agents in London are?
Q. My mother is a RE broker and asked me to help her in finding the top agents in London are with whom she could place her listings. Does anyone have any clue as to what the top firms are, other than Sotheby's? Thank you so much!!

A. if they have a multiple listing service in the UK like they do in the USA, it doesn't really matter - just talk to a couple of agents and pick one you feel comfortable with - the selling agent just lists the properties - he/she doesn;t necessarily bring in the buyers

Where do I find foreclosure listings?
Q. I'm interested in getting into real estate investing and I'm wondering where I can go to find foreclosure listings?

A. If you want to find foreclosure listings, check out this site

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What's a solution/strategy to prevent a famine from happening in Vietnam again?

Q. During World War 2, there was a famine in Vietnam. What's one way to help reduce the chances or prevent a famine from happening again in Vietnam and improve the quality of the environment?

A. Increased use of a form of soil called Terra Preta or biochar which can increase crop yields up to 300 percent, requires less water and fertilizers, improves poor soils, reduces the need for deforestation, sequesters carbon to mitigate global warming and retains nutrients for centuries. This type of soil was discovered in the Amazon and was developed centuries ago by the natives there to improve poor soils.

Other means could employ drought-resistant strains of rice, aquaponics methods, etc..

Terra Preta...
"or terra preta do indio, has mystified science for the last hundred years. Three times richer in nitrogen and phosphorous, and twenty times the carbon of normal soils, terra preta is the legacy of ancient Amazonians who predate Western civilization. Scientists who long debated the capacity of 'savages' to transform the virgin rainforest now agree that indigenous people transformed large regions of the Amazon into amazingly fertile black earth. The Amazonians' techniques remain an enigma but are believed to have used slash-and-smolder to lock half of the carbon in burnt vegetation into a stable form of biochar instead of releasing the bulk of it into the atmosphere like typical slash-and-burn practices.

The difference between terra preta and ordinary soils is immense. A hectare of meter-deep terra preta can contain 250 tonnes of carbon, as opposed to 100 tonnes in unimproved soils from similar parent material, according to Bruno Glaser, of the University of Bayreuth, Germany. To understand what this means, the difference in the carbon between these soils matches all of the vegetation on top of them. Furthermore, there is no clear limit to just how much biochar can be added to the soil.

Claims for biochar's capacity to capture carbon sound almost audacious. Johannes Lehmann, soil scientist and author of Amazonian Dark Earths: Origin, Properties, Management, believes that a strategy combining biochar with biofuels could ultimately offset 9.5 billion tons of carbon per year-an amount equal to the total current fossil fuel emissions!"

Rice strains and local company here in town grows a million pounds of food and 10,000 fish per year from a 3 acre site using aquaponics methods....much more than a normal farm could grow

Why did vietnamese emigrate to US after Vietnam war?
Q. Why did they go to the US instead of another country? They helped diem dicatorship in South Vietnam, made a mess in North Vietnam. Why after all the problems US made to Vietnam, some vietnamese can even think of emigrating in US? Dont they have any pride? Do they want to yield to America again?

A. At first, I am a Vietnamese. You should believe that my answer can give you a better understand why.

Why did Vietnamese emigrate to US after Vietnam War?
Because Vietnamese love Freedom, We have not come to the U.S for Economic.

In 1975, North Communist invaded South Vietnam in term of Liberation. In fact, as a war victory, they killed a lot of former people who�s severed for former government. A thousand of Military and soldiers -Vietnam Republican were sent to Re-education Camp where lost their life there. Vietnamese people in city were removed from their homes for North Communist Officer. Their own properties were sealed and to be taken over by local communist government. In countryside, farmer's land was controlled by Local Government.

No freedom for Vietnamese after War. All Vietnamese love Freedom but We have paid the price for it. Many Vietnamese People lost their life on the ocean. The Children lost their father and mother.

The History of Boat People is now closed, but it is still there. We never forget.

If you were married in Vietnam, can you go there to get a divorce without a signature from the spouse?
Q. I have reason to believe that my fathers young wife has gone back to Vietnam and has possibly remarried there, without our knowledge of a divorce. She apparently went there in 08 and remarried, then came back here 3 weeks later. Is it possible to obtain a divorce there without the spouses signature???

A. There are 2 sides to this story. I've seen many of these old guy/ young woman marriages fall in a heap and its always the woman at fault. To answer your question, yes, she could have come back to Vietnam and obtained a divorce, regardless of where she was married. I doubt she would have remarried here. Not in 3 weeks anyway, and certainly not to another foreigner. But here's a question. Why would she do this via the back door relinquishing her right to property settlement? Is there any property involved or was this another case of an old guy promising the world and delivering very little, on all fronts? Seen it many, many times! I've also heard the woman's side of the story many times as well and they're all similar. Old guys are exactly that, old! Throw in alcohol, and or nicotine, and or prescription medication and you've got someone in need of a nurse, not a wife! I could say plenty more but most guys will know what I'm talking about. I suggest he contact a lawyer or the Family Court in his country. They can advise him on where he stands.

If I retire and then I move to another country Will I be able to receive my social security benefits? How?
Q. I have a friend who is close to retire(he's 67) he owns a property in Costa Rica and another in Cuba, yes in Cuba. Well he was told that if he move to another country he will loss his social security benefits as well as the medicare. How true is that? There is any way to maintain those benefits at the same time he has fun out there???

A. Benefits to Cuba are out, but Costa Rica is ok...

U.S. Treasury Regulations
U.S. Treasury Department regulations prohibit sending payments to you if you are in Cuba or North Korea. If you are a U.S. citizen and are in Cuba or North Korea, you can receive all of your payments that were withheld once you leave that country and go to another country where we can send payments. Generally, if you are not a U.S. citizen, you cannot receive any payments for months in which you live in one of these countries, even though you leave that country and satisfy all other requirements.

Social Security restrictions
Social Security restrictions prohibit sending payments to individuals in Cambodia, Vietnam or areas that were in the former Soviet Union (other than Armenia, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Russia). Generally, you cannot receive payments while you are in one of these countries, and we cannot send your payments to anyone for you. However, exceptions can be made for certain eligible beneficiaries in countries other than Cuba or North Korea.

To qualify for an exception, you must agree to the conditions of payment. One of the conditions is that you must appear in person at the U.S. Embassy each month to receive your benefits. Contact your nearest U. S. Social Security office or U.S. Embassy or consulate for additional information about these conditions and whether you might qualify for an exception.

If you do not qualify for payment under this procedure and you move from one of these countries to another country where we can send payments, you can receive all the benefits for which you were eligible except when you were in one of the countries listed in the section Social Security restrictions .

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How can we rent a house by a lake for vacation this summer?

Q. A couple of friends and I are looking to rent a house on a lake in New York somewhere this summer, we've been looking at lake George since it's the most well known, at least to me, but we're open to other lakes. I don't really know where to get started on looking, most of the things we have found online have been hotels and we would prefer a house. Does anyone have any good websites or any suggestions on how we can find something?


A. This website is the absolute best for finding a house or cottage to rent

You can search by state and then region and then right down to a particular town. Then refine your search by selecting the number of bedrooms or whatever your requirements may be.

I recently did a search there and one of my requirements was a hot tub. I put that in as part of my search and then was able to look only at vacation homes equipped with one.

Hope this helps! It's a great way to find a wonderful vacation home!

What do you i need to do to rent a house?
Q. I want to rent a house or apartment in brisbane and was wondering what i need? ID, bank statements, payment slips, etc? Also, can i negotiate a lower rate of rent and a smaller length of time? What do i do if i want to break the lease? Do i get bad credit?

A. Every place you go, either house or apartment will have different requirements, different rent rates and different lease length options. Your best bet is to start calling around or visiting the places in person to find out everything you can before you decide on a place.

What are the requirements for renting a house for a wedding?
Q. My dream wedding is to rent a house in orange county california somewhere with a rather large backyard for my wedding. There would be at least 150 guests. What are the requirements? Do i have to alert the city, the neighbors, would parking be a problem? Please someone advise. Thanks! Michelle

A. Individual houses rental policies are determined by the owner or the agency you are renting through.

Call a vacation rental agency and see if they have any houses that would meet those requirements.

Many owners put a limit on how many people can be present in the house due to noise regulations in the neighborhood and the destructive nature of large parties. However agencies usually have a cleaning service cost included in the rental cost which would be a good idea.

They will also know if that particular city has a requirement on renting offduty policemen--mandatory for many parties with large numbers and alcohol served.

Do you care if it is beach front or not? You can get much cheaper if it isn't beach front.

Hope this helps somewhat--but really the rules vary greatly for each vacation rental company.

Do military need good credit to rent a house?
Q. I am going to get married in March and will receive BAH from the Army to rent a house. Will I need credit to get a house though? I don't even own a credit card...

A. Thank you to you and your spouse for your service.

However, that does not garner you any special consideration when renting a place. You still have to qualify for residency per the landlord's requirements.

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Does anyone know anything about getting jobs in South America?

Q. I just spent 4 months in Spain, learning the basics of the Spanish language. I would like to continue learning, but feel that I need to live in a spanish speaking environment in order to do so most effectively. Ideally, I would like to live somewhere in South America, being that it is easier to travel to and from NYC. If you have any information about realistic jobs in South America, I would appreciate the information. Thanks!

A. Why not go to East LA? Or Miami? Or NYC Or Houston? Or Dallas? Plenty of opportunity to hear and learn Spanish there. Also MOST countries require a work permit. You can work "off the grid", but most countries, w'/o their natl. ID card wont let you rent a house.. or open a bank account.
Id go teach English to private students. Take out an Ad in the paper. Get a local cell phone. Youll be all set. Only accept CASH payments.

Is it okay for someone you are renting a house from to use your address.?
Q. They moved to Spain. We rent their house and almost all their mail comes here. They email all the time about what mail
they have received. At first it was okay. Now it is getting aggravating.

A. If I were the owner I would not like this situation. It is not secure for their privacy or financial security. They should get a relative to receive mail for them at a post office box.

what are some good movies in Spanish?
Q. I'm looking for some good movies made or taking place in Spain, preferably one's that came out sort of recently.

I've seen Pan's Labyrinth and The Orphanage. I'm also downloading a bunch of Pedro Almodóvar films. I'm into just about any genre of films.

Thanks for your help!

A. I love Pan's Labyrinth! I suggest watching all of Guillermo del Toro's flicks! I'm not sure if all of these movies take place in Spain, but they certainly are incredible and at least not old and cheesy. You can search for films with known actors from Spain like Penelope Cruz and Ariadna Gil are the only ones I can think of that would have lots of movies filmed in Spain.

-The Devil's Backbone (Guillermo del Toro film)
-Abre Los Ojos (Open Your Eyes) ***I believe takes place in Spain. It's the original version of the remake called Vanilla Sky with Tom Cruise***
-Carmen [2003] ***Takes place in Spain***
-Tres Dias
-Paraiso Travel
-Volver [2006]
-Kiltro [2006]
-Maldeamores (Produced by Benecio del Toro!)
-La Celestina [1996] ***Takes place in Spain***
-Chronicles of an Escape [2005]
-Ladron Que Roba a Ladron [2007]
-Manana Te Cuento [2005]
-Y Tu Mama Tambien [2001]
-The House of Sand [2005]
-Caribe [2004]
-Maria Full of Grace [2003]
-Entre Lammos
-Fuera del Cielo [2006]
-The Other Conquest [1999]

*You can rent these movies on (has more selections and cheaper monthly plans) or (I like it because I can exchange in-store). You can even search their 'Foreign' selections online.

Check for some of these movie trailers. ;)

Traveling to Spain, July 3-17, How is Public Transportation or should I rent a car?
Q. Could rent auto if need to but if public transportation is good by train/bus. Would like to experience as a native and not a tourist.My plans are to do it as cheap as possible.Looking for housing,sites to see,eating places,transportation,etc. My plan is to follow coast line after sightseeing in Madrid go to Santander, Gijon,La Coruna,Vigo, Sevilla back to Madrid,has anyone done this? Have 15 days to travel. Is this too much. Thanks

A. I wanted to say that Madrid - Galicia - Sevilla - Madrid would be a lot of driving, I think for the average person it would be cheaper to fly or to get a train or coach than the cost of fuel.

It is driving to the other end's of the country. Think of train prices are 50� for each stop, sometimes there more sometimes there less. and fuel is (has gone up) to around 95cent a litre now (At the Hypermarkets) the branded fuels are as much as 1�+ (Still cheaper than last Summer!)

So if you did want to work out the prices you can now. Also some rental car companies wouldn't allow you to drive this amount of kilometers.

15 days, could even be not enough. -- cheap airlines that fly inside Spain, prices are from FREE (you pay 40� for the tax) to 300� ! - a car rential company, there are others but this is one I know. - the train company

coaches... there are MANY diffrent companies, so you'd need to look at them from travel sites etc.

Have a nice time, you could stay in Hostels and Motels - a brand of motels is there are others also - there are some others.

You'd be here for San Ferms (Running of the Bulls) if you wanted to see it for a day, you can sleep in your rental car. take a shower at the free shower points across the city. It is in Navarra - North East Spain, near France.

and rember you don't have to rent a car for the entire trip, if the train from Madrid to Santander was maybe over 100� per-person but it only cost 50� a day to rent the car and around 100� for fuel, then you could rent a car for this part of the trip. & most companies you can take the car back to a diffrent place you rented it from

& Travel light - Have a nice time

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Is it legal to change the name on the contract of a rented property?

Q. I am currently living in Melbourne, Australia and have a 6 month lease on my student apartment. I heard from some friends that they have changed the name on their contracts to someone else's name for various reasons, such as moving away, or finding a better place elsewhere. My question is, is this legal for all rented properties, or is it up to the management to allow that?

A. It is legal only if both parties agree to it. It legally can't just unilaterally be done by the renters. BUT it often is, and as long as the rent gets paid, most landlords don't object.

Tennessee: What is the requirement for a landlord to enter rented property?
Q. I recently began renting a property in Tennessee. When I walk in, my landlord is there, painting, or doing some other kind of repair. What are my rights, and what can I do to prevent him from just entering at his own will?

A. Basically, a landlord is only authorized to enter your rental property without asking permission when he/she feels his property is in jeopardy. (the tenant downstairs has water coming through her ceiling...he could enter your apartment to find the source of the leak, etc.) If he intends to paint, or do a repair which is not causing damage to his property, he is supposed to tell you of his intent ahead of time....
You can go to and click on the right hand column ("Renter's resources"), There are many landlord/tenant answers there~ In the intrim, I think I would tell him that you would prefer that he let you know ahead of time when he needs to enter your apartment (for non-emergency stuff) and that it makes you nervous to come home and find someone there...

What is the average insurance to run a home day care in San Diego, Ca? What about on rented property?
Q. I know that opening a daycare on someone else's property is a liability, but possible. Is there extra insurance needed? Do you talk with your landlord prior to renting the property? My father owns an apartment complex, and he said 'No way Jose' if one of his tenants would come to him with this proposition.

How much is the average home day care insurance in San Diego, Ca?

A. Probably tons of insurance. You also need to check for zoning regulations!!

What is the correct term for a land lord, or somebody who rents properties?
Q. Im looking for the correct term for a landlord, or somebody who invests their money into buying property and then renting these properties out? Would i be right in saying property developer? please help

A. There are a number of terms.

In legal jargon the "landowner" is known as the "freeholder" and to give it an archaic term he owns the land "in fee simple" (absolute ownership with no restrictions). If he grants a lease to someone, he is known as the "lessor" and the person renting is the "lessee".

A property developer normally buys a property, improves it but sometimes then sells it. He doesn't necessarily have to rent it out afterwards although often will.

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We have been in Afghanistan for seven years. After seven more years will we have enough equity to buy it?

Q. Hopefully, real estate demand in the mountanious Mid East will rebound and we can make a profit. I fought in Vietnam as a Marine and the only profit to be made is by Nike. Do they make shoes in Afganistan out of heroin poppy seeds?

A. I'm not sure if you are trying to be serious or funny. I'm sure they make shoes in afganistan, but the poppy has much better products. Morphine is made from the poppy (opium) and is high demand. I doubt the real estate will ever be of interest to anyone other than the local nationals so you dont have to worry about that.

Why did 9/11 victims familes have any say in what happens with WTC site?
Q. Why did the familes of 9/11 victims have any influence whatsoever in what happened to the site?

I don't get it, just cause a family member dies somewhere gives your ownership of a billion dollar property?

Just because someone in their family died there, does that give them business, economic, and real estate expertise in one of the highest-demand areas ever?

A. They didn't have much say, it was more symbolic. Of course the whole site is now symbolic.

By your logic, vietnam vets shouldn't have much say in their memorials, nor should WWII vets. Unless your statement is that it depends on the assumed value of the memorial's location. Perhaps it's time to take down the Lincoln, Washington, and Jefferson memorials... that's some expensive land in DC there.

How is Giving Iraq's Resources to Hezbollah and Al Qaeda going to help US National Security?
Q. That wouldn't be just "psychological emboldening", that would leave them money, materielle, resources and real estate for brick and mortar training grounds, which will imperil Americans' lives in the homeland.
How is this in our interest when millions of Americans may die as a result of more well-funded and sophisticated terror attacks?
When the US abandoned Vietnam, it 'only' resulted in 1.5 million south vietnamese dying--i.e. a regional conflict-- when the North Vietnamese took them over, whereas Iraq's consequences amount to a far more dangerous worldwide terror threat of great scope.
What's the benefit if millions die as a result of helping the enemy? Their stated mission is to kill Americans, so I don't get why some Americans want to help them achieve that end.
Hezbollah was behind the murder of hundreds peacekeeping US Marines sleeping in their barracks in Beirut in 1983.

A. Strategically it will lead to the fall of Sunni Saudi Arabia to the Shi'ite forces of Iran. This long running war of Islam is the true prize and the USA is the biggest stumbling block to success. We have shown to much resolute will to defend the Saudi's(Oil has to be the only reason as they are not nice people). Iranian hegemoney in the Islamic World will spell industrial disaster in the developed world(Wake up China you get shafted here too!). The Iranians like living in the 12th century and think we should all join them!
Fight now there or fight and loose here at home. It seems we may be on the path to the latter. I just thought these college educated Dems had more sense than they have displayed. Too bad a liberal arts education isn't what it used to be.

My fault for seeking a technical education and trying to apply scientific method?


Do you think Vietnam is poor compared to other southeast Asian countries?
Q. Do you think Vietnam is poor compared to other southeast Asian countries? Is Vietnam better than how it was before?

Thank you!

A. Vietnam remains a poor country, however, it's economic growth has been recognized globally, and is becoming a major trading partner with many countries. It is growing comparatively quickly in it's GDP (gross national product), when compared to it's Asian neighbors.

If you look at this link, it shows the amazing economical growth of the country.

Site includes a graph which makes it quite clear.
Via the same site, check out comparisons with it's neighbors. That alone shows you, and has been widely reported in the media that Vietnam's economic growth is overtaking many of it's neighbors.
From under 18 billion USD in 1985 to the continual climb today of over 91 billion USD and continues to climb.

See also.....

The current Vietnam Prime Minister has caused Vietnam to join the World Trade Organization and he went further so far to invite foreign investment.

Consider also, Chinese companies closing their companies in China and re-opening in Vietnam.

The overall result is substantial increases in real estate values, higher wages, an increased standard of living and improved social infrastructure such as schools and health.

Compared to some, ,... yes, still poor, but of others, has easily overtaken them.
It's future is in it's own hands. Investor confidence is growing, and if continued, could see Vietnam become a major economical zone of Asia.

There are many websites out there to view, but also look at notable publications like Business Review Weekly and similar.
Some commentators are suggesting that Vietnam has the real potential of becoming the new Singapore.

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Where do a report unsafe conditions in a rented home?

Q. I rented a home in Georgia that has black mold, water bugs, and roaches that get into everything.

A. Contact your landlord by Certified mail of all problems in your rental. Also you may contact your local Health Department and City where you live and file a complaint with them. Definitely take pictures in case you need to sue because these kinds of problems can lead to serious illness. I wish you the best of luck!

I am renting a home and building a house. Can I write off my interest on the house I am building?
Q. I am getting ready to do my taxes (turbotax) and I'm not sure how to handle my interest I pay for my construction and land loan. I'm currently renting a home and paying interest on a 500K loan to build my house. Can I write that interest off? If yes, do I do it as if it's the home I live in? Only people that know for sure respond please.

A. Publication 936

Home under construction. You can treat a home under construction as a qualified home for a period of up to 24 months, but only if it becomes your qualified home at the time it is ready for occupancy.

The 24-month period can start any time on or after the day construction begins.

What to consider when renting through a property management company?
Q. I have always rented homes directly through the owner so I'm not sure what to expect when renting from a property manager. What is different? What are some good questions to ask when doing a home walk-through with the agent? What are the advantages and disadvantages to going though a property manager?

A. They are more knowledgable and the experience should be significantly more professional. However, they don't have an ownership interest in the property and can be more lax about repairs and maintenance.

Get a copy of the walkthrough and keep it.

Decor ideas for high ceiling in rented home?
Q. My fiance and I are renting a home with high, vaulted ceilings. It's not a charming old home--more like a shabby circa-70s Caifornia ranch with white walls and dated fixtures.

I'm from the Northeast, and I'm spoiled by historic homes that look chic no matter how you decorate thanks to the character of old-fashioned molding. But I'm a little lost as to how to make this one look quaint and artsy on a budget without painting or making major changes.

A. Placing wall art of mirrors a little higher than eye-level will take away from the height of the wall. Focus will appear on the items you have chosen for decoration.

Embrace the home ~ sounds lovely!

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What % do I get back in my taxes from repairs on a rental property in CA?

Q. Curious if anyone around here knows anything about tax deductions with rental properties. I am looking at a cost of about $4,000 for emergency plumbing repairs and wondering how much of that I can expect to get back at the end of the year in my tax return?

A. A "repair" of that amount is probably going to be classified as a capital improvement subject to depreciation. If so, the tax benefit will be spread over 27.5 years so you'll see very little of it on your 2010 return.

If you can make a case for expensing the entire amount (and that is VERY DOUBTFUL), multiply the cost by your tax rate. This may be 15%, 25% or more.

Can we get tax deduction on second house?
Q. I have two houses. The second house is the rental property which i bought last year. Can I get tax deduction on that or not.

A. Rental property expenses aren't itemized deductions, but are shown as expenses on schedule E.

Can I take a deduction on my Arizona Rental Property if I live in California?
Q. I have a rental property in Arizona but live and work in California. I rent a SFR to another family. The person who does my taxes has made deductions/losses for my rental property in Arizona on my California income tax returns. Is s/he correct? Or should those be on a Arizona income tax return? Another person recommended that I file an Arizona income tax even if I dont make money on the
rental property. IS s/he correct? Help!

A. You are a resident of CA so all your income belongs there. If you have enough net profit on the AZ house to require you to file for that state, you'll need to do so but I doubt that is the case.

Sounds like your preparer knows what he/she is doing and the other person does not.

Can owning 1 or 2 rental property qualify you as a real estate professional.?
Q. I am planning to buy 2 rental properties, approximately $250,000 total. My wife and I both work full-time. Does owning 2 rental properties qualify either one of us as a real estate professional so that we could get losses on these properties as tax deductions against our personal income.? If not, what can we do about these rental losses (mainly due to depreciation on the property). Thanks in advance.

A. You report your rental income and your rental expenses (interest, taxes, repairs, utilities, depreciated property & improvements).

If your expenses are more than your income, you have a loss and it is deducted from your taxable income.

You do not have to be a real estate professional to do this, just own the properties.,,id=98895,00.html

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How to advertise real estate listings online?

Q. I want to know if there is a site or service that I pay one fee that advertises my listings all over the web? I am a real estate agent. Thanks!!
I am also thinking of starting a better website or somehow getting my site all over the web. I already have a domain name for it, any advice?? Thanks!

A. You should atleast have a website to promote your stuff.
If you're in a hurry or low budget, try to use BLOGGER.It's free. So add up the contents with what you want to say and promote it.
There are plenty of ways to promote your site.
1)Article Marketing
Really a powerful method in getting audience. Write a good article based on your niche topic and submit it in article directories. Just go to google or yahoo and search for "free article directories". It will suggest you a host of directories that you can easily submit your writings. When people surf in that certain directory, they might stumble into your article and you got all the fame needed to be successful in Internet Marketing.

This method is just like the article writing. You write what you want but good contents for your audience in blogs. The better you got, the more audience you get. You can also submit the same contents that you wrote in blogs in article directories. You get instant viewers if your article is in top 10 within your niche

3)Offer free stuffs
It's always good to get free stuffs. Everyone likes it.So offer some free stuffs such as e-books or software for your audience. You will get a good, loyal and repeating audience. If you are looking for FREE e-books to market it in your site, check out this link. provides a host of e-books on internet marketing. The e-books will be updated weekly. So hurry up and get your best one soon.

4)E-mail Marketing
It's as easy as ABC. Just promote your site to all your online contacts using e-mail.Write a good email that will attract your audience. If you got the contents right and able to convince your contacts , you are on your way to success.

5)SEO-Search Engine Optimization
Check out for HOT tips on SEO

6)You Tube Videos
Use free videos from you tube and paste the links in your site. People like video tutorials better than articles or e-books.

7)Google Adsense
I strongly suggest you to visit and learn about google adsense.If it's not the best, atleast one of the best income generator for your websites. Visit the link and watch the video tutorials for FREE.

i am looking for mls edmonton real estate listings, what is a good website to view mls listings?
Q. i am moving to edmonton and i need to find mls edmonton real estate listings and i am looking for a website that can give me information about the city including movers, insurance, places to eat and a list of realtors.

A. i checked around on yahoo and found this site. it seems to be quite specific to mls edmonton as it is the top spot on yahoo for mls edmonton. if you do not find what you are looking for try the next few results. you should find a directory listing for more realtors in edmonton. Any way, good luck with the search and the move.


How do I insert a property search in my real estate website?
Q. I'm creating a website for my real estate business myself and I don't have much experience with building sites. How can I create a page were people can submit their properties listing information into to database. and how can I put a search bar in the home page so people search the listings.

pretty much like any other real estate website works

A. You should pay someone to do this for you if you are serious about your business.
If you insist on doing it yourself, try a cms with a property extension, joomla should do the job.
There are several property search components for this system, I quite like Joomla Estate Agency (jea), which is free, although I had to modify it quite a bit to work how I wanted it.
You can see all the real estate components available here:

So you install Joomla on your webserver, install the component of your choice then configure it all. You may want to purchase a good commercial template to make the site look professional.

If we hire a real estate agent, can they work with us on foreclosed properties?
Q. Can most real estate agents help their clients with foreclosed properties, or do they usually just stick to listings with home owners? We're looking into buying, but are on a limited budget, and want to look more closely into foreclosures. Thanks.

A. Yes, a real estate agent can work with you on foreclosed properties. The important thing is to interview agents and make sure they have the knowledge and skills necessary to help you achieve your objectives.

Most states have provisions for buyers to have their own agent (a buyer agent). But not all agents are created equal. Some are more experienced than others.

There are a number of ways that agents can help a buyer with properties that are not listed in the Multiple Listing Service.

HUD properties ( are foreclosed properties that have been insured by the federal government (i.e. FHA and VA loans, etc.). In order to make a bid on these properties, you must do so with the help of a real estate agent whose company is registered with HUD. Ask the agents you are interviewing if their company is registered and if they have ever helped a buyer purchased a HUD home. You can also see what homes are available at the website above.

Get a list of foreclosures from the county where you live. Ask about the procedure to make a bid on a particular property. Normally you need to already have been approved by a lender, so you have the money ready within a short period of time.

Ask potential agents if they have ever helped a buyer purchase a foreclosure. Also ask if they have experience with "short sales" (pre-foreclosures).

You may have to interview a lot of agents to find one who can help you, but you can probably search on the internet to find one. You could do a google search something like "town real estate, foreclosures, buyer agent" to cover all of the bases.

In general, I recommend that buyers find a good buyer agent by selecting someone who has a CRS and ABR designation. CRS means Certified Residential Specialist and ABR means Accredited Buyer Representative. CRS is the "cadillac" of designations and means that the agent has significant experience as well as has taken the time (and money) to take additional training courses. ABR courses focus on helping buyers. However, neither of these designations assure that an agent has experience with foreclosures. They just mean that the agent is conscientious about improving their skills so as to better help their clients. You would still have to interview them carefully.

There are currently a lot of foreclosures in the Multiple Listing Service (at least in my area and probably in yours). These are usually described as "corporate owned" properties. Also short sales, whereby the property will be sold for less than the owner owes on the property. And the way you buy these is the same as purchasing a home in the normal manner. The difference is that the lender must give approval for the offer (in the latter case) and that the lender is the owner (in the former case).

In any case, just because a property is a short sale or a foreclosure doesn't mean it's a "good deal." A good buyer agent will do a market analysis on the home you wish to purchase to assure that you don't pay too much for the property. In recent years, many buyers had "zero down" loans and purchased their homes at the peak prices of the market. Now, in many parts of the country, values have declined so that the home may be worth much less. That's where "short sales" come in.

Hope this helps.

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Can owning 1 or 2 rental property qualify you as a real estate professional.?

Q. I am planning to buy 2 rental properties, approximately $250,000 total. My wife and I both work full-time. Does owning 2 rental properties qualify either one of us as a real estate professional so that we could get losses on these properties as tax deductions against our personal income.? If not, what can we do about these rental losses (mainly due to depreciation on the property). Thanks in advance.

A. You report your rental income and your rental expenses (interest, taxes, repairs, utilities, depreciated property & improvements).

If your expenses are more than your income, you have a loss and it is deducted from your taxable income.

You do not have to be a real estate professional to do this, just own the properties.,,id=98895,00.html

No rental income this year, will I still be able to claim repair cost for tax deduction?
Q. I bought a rental condo (foreclosed property) in October, 2009 and will spend November and December to fix it up, so basically I don't have any rental income this year. I wonder if I am able to claim the repair cost (~$5,000) for tax deduction.

A. I agree somewhat with CPA Guy, but to me, your repairs seem to be part of an improvement process. By that, I mean that everything taken as a whole is a capital improvement even if some of the parts are usually considered repairs. For example, painting a wall is usually a repair, but when you paint a wall after moving it, then the painting is considered as part of a capital improvement project. Without knowing the price, condition, and what work you are doing, I'm guessing, but to me $5,000 sounds like capital improvements.

Depreciation on the condo doesn't start until it is available for renting. That means the day somebody could move into it.

A place to start for you to understand the tax implications is IRS Publication 527, available on the IRS web site at

If you are still confused, you should consider seeing a local tax professional before the end of this year. Take a copy of your 2008 tax return with you.

I hope this helps.

If the work you are doing is to make the home usable as a rental property, then not only should you capitalize those expenditures but also any interest paid on a loan until the home is ready for occupancy.

When I rent my house, how will this change my tax deductions and how do I make it rental property?
Q. Hello answerers. I will be moving out of the house I own to move in with my girlfriend. I would like to rent my property.

Can I still deduct mortgage insurance, PMI, and real estate taxes? Also, I have to claim the rental income on my taxes, correct? Is there any other type of form necessary to change my house from a "Primary Residence" to a "Rental Property"? Thanks in advance.

A. You can still deduct all of those items. However, you deduct them on a different form. Rental income and deductions are reported on Schedule E instead of Schedule A.

Also, you deduct "depreciation" (this is a nice one). You should have an appraisal done to determine the value of the property when you convert it. The basis for depreciation purposes is the lower of the cost (plus improvements) or the fair market value at the time of the conversion less the value of the land.

If you have never used a tax professional before, you should now. Getting rental property set up correctly the first year can be very tricky.

Rental Tax Deduction?: Cutting Down Dead Trees from the Property?
Q. I own a rental property and have three dead trees on it.

My neighbor is concerned they will fall on his house.

Can I pay a professional to cut then down (and possibly remove the stumps) and write this service off as a tax deduction?

A. Yes you can.

Maintenance on your rental like this is a reasonable expense. It is no different than fixing plumbing or other faults with the property.

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what would be a great way to explore Scotland?

Q. I'm a soldier in the US Army who has never seen more than London (high school trip, need I say more on how bad it was?), western Iraq, and northern South Korea. I'm really interested in seeing the grave of Rob Roy MacGregor, an ancestor of mine, and seeing what all scotland has to offer to see and do. Any suggestions as far as starting points or the best times of year to visit without a lot of tourists or when the temperatures are pleasant? I'm thinking I'd be visiting for 20 - 30 days.

A. If you're in the army, I'll make the assumption you're in fairly good shape. If that's true, and you also like the outdoors, I'd recommend seeing Scotland at least partially by foot. It has fantastic long-distance walking trails, that give a very different view from what you get by a tourist Highland trip. Alternately, you could bike it.

My favorite route is the West Highland Way from north of Glasgow to Ben Nevis/Ft William, which takes an average of 6-7 days (it's 94 miles). You can add an extra day and climb Ben Nevis (highest UK mountain) at the end. Scotland has right-of-access to the wilderness, which means you can camp pretty much anywhere as long as you leave the site as you found it. Any time from ~mid April through October is a good time, depending on the climate you prefer. If you don't want to carry a heavy pack, there are even baggage services that drop off your equipment at a new spot each day.

There are also good bus tours of Scotland, if walking/biking don't appeal. They will be more touristy, but should still be worthwhile. Rabbie's limits their groups to 16 people, and have a wide variety of tours on offer.

My suggestion would be to do the West Highland Way followed by a road trip by car, if renting one and driving on the left side of the road wouldn't be too much trouble for you. A possible itinerary:

-Start in Edinburgh, spend a few days there seeing the city. Lots of things to see and a fantastic nightlife. If you're going to Edinburgh, don't go in August. The festivals then make it nearly impossible to find accommodation, and it's very crowded with tourists. (you can use the Wikitravel site for good info on Scotland in general)

-Take the bus/train to Stirling and spend a day there. The grave of Rob Roy is in Balquhidder, but the only way to get there is by car. I guess you could take a bus to Callander, then Kingshouse, then walk, but it takes a few bus changes followed by a 45 minute walk. It would be easier to hire a car for the day.

-From Stirling, take the bus/train to Glasgow. Spend a day there, then take local transport to Milngavie, where the West Highland Way starts.

-West Highland Way to Ben Nevis.

-From Ft William, hire a car for 7-10 days. Drive towards Invergarry (nice castle there), then take the A87 towards Kyle of Lochalsh. Make sure you stop off to see Eilean Donan. Drive over the bridge to Skye and spend at least a day exploring the island. If you like whisky, don't miss the Talisker distillery at Carbost. Then back towards Ft Augustus and up the west bank of Loch Ness. Many Scots say it's the ugliest loch in Scotland, but I think it's really beautiful and serene. You end up near Inverness. From there, you could go north into the wilds of Scotland (it's truly desolate and beautiful) or you could head east. There's good cold water surfing in Elgin to the east. The Malt Whisky Trail is worthwhile if you're interested, and leads you towards Aviemore where you can explore the Cairngorms. From there head south and eventually end up back in Edinburgh.

The most comprehensive site for planning your trip is here:

How much does a world tour cost?
Q. I want to take a world tour with my husband but am not sure if we'll be able to afford it and want an idea of what it takes.

Which is the best place to make booking and what is the desired amount of time.

How much will it cost if I chose reasonable and not luxurious stay.

Places I long to visit......
South and Latin America (Brazil, Mexico)
Europe (Italy, France, Spain, Portugal, Germany)
Africa (South Africa, Tanzania, Egypt, Morocco)
Asia (Russia, China, Tajikistan, India, Singapore, Malaysia, South Korea, Japan, U.A.E)
Australia (New Zealand & Australia)

Thank you so much in advance for any information you can provide

A. 5 years ago, my husband and I went around the world for our honeymoon for 6 months.

We started from London ...where we live...
Went to Phoenix, Arizona - where I am from originally from - three months to get married and stayed with the family,
Then drove all around California and Nevada for three weeks....
This was followed by Hawaii for two weeks...
Then Australia (Sydney, Brisbane, Byron Bay) for three weeks...
Then Bali for 17 days..
Then Singapore for 3 days...
Then Thailand for 20 days ... highly recommended

We rented our our flat for 6 months.
We spent £1000 (about $1600 at the time) for around the world flights. Spending money depended which country we were staying at and if we needed to rent a car, hotel room, etc. Thailand was the cheapest and the most fun - could live on $20 / day. Hawaii was the most expensive $100s/ day. All in all I think we spent about $8000... plus 2 flights.

We went traveling around Europe - France, Italy, Switzerland, Holland for 2 months - 2years ago. Stayed for free in most places and slept / traveled on trains in between countries. It cost about $4500.

Dollar is much, much weaker now than two years ago, so if you are on a budget, probably best to avoid Europe.

Good luck with you travel planning.
All the best!

How much are the cheapest to the most expensive price for an apartment in Seoul or Incheon at South Korea?
Q. Like how much do we pay every month, and please type them from the cheapest to the most expensive.

A. Korean apartments are rented/sold based on size, number of rooms and location. Size is measured as pyong (sq meters). So a 35 pyong place is about the size of large US 2 BR apartment. Prices in Seoul range from a low of about 200,000 won a month for some little student studio (1 room with a community toilet) places to a high of more than 10,000,000 won a month for a huge place in the Kangnam area of Seoul. Here is a good link for you to compare prices and see pictures of actual apartments and how to go about renting.

My husband is AF and got a 1 year unaccompanied to South Korea. Can I move home and get BAH?
Q. Since he will be gone for the year i wanted to move back home to VA instead of staying on base here. Can i get BAH? Does anyone know how that works?

A. The first answer is wrong. I was stationed in Korea, and I work Finance. If your husband does a tour of Korea without you, you get BAH for the zip code you live at. When I was in Korea my wife rented a place in NC and I received the BAH for that location. He needs to present finance with a copy of a lease and a copy of the marriage certificate

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Question on damage waiver for car rental?

Q. I have rented a car and unfortunately I found scratches (about 5 inch long) which I am not sure how it did. I haven't buy a damage waiver from the rental company as I thought that my insurance transfers to the rental car, yet I turn out to be wrong.

Now I would ask: could I get a damage waiver from the credit card company? My card is Mastercard and it is issued by a Hong Kong bank (I am a tourist).

And, most importantly, if I could not get a waiver, how much approximately I am liable to pay? Thank you very much.

A. your coverage on your Mastercard should prevail.

Let this be a lesson learned - always buy the physical damage waiver.

Unfortunately hindsight is 20/20 - the rental company will probably "tie up" some credit limits for actual repair and "down time" for the repair (loss of rental availability.)

Good luck and I hope this helps!

How much does it cost to own a car in Hong Kong?
Q. Including monthly parking, parking for when you go out, gas, maintenance, etc... Lets say I drive only on the weekend.

A. The Hong Kong government has always discouraged private car ownership so having one is not cheap. To start with all new cars come with a 80-100% import tariff, it could fluctuate each fiscal year. Then the annual vehicle registration fee varies between US400-1,400 depending on the capacity. Regular gas as of today averages around US$1.80 per liter = US$6.80 per gallon. Parking always cost extra even at home. When you buy an apartment, a parking space cost extra, so does renting one. Public parking in busy locations could be US$3,4,5 per hour. Considering you have to pay for parking 24/7 year round, it could cost you US$300-400 monthly easy.

Driving in CA without a CA Driving licence?
Q. I will be visiting California for 10 days during Easter, but i do not have an international licence neiter a CA Driving licence.
However, i do have a vaild driving licence from Hong Kong.

1) Will i be able to drive in California?
2) Will i be able to rent a car in California?

A. Yes to both questions. ":Kingsley" is correct.

As a visitor to California your Hong Kong drivers license will be honored as long as it is currently valid.

The same is true of renting a car as long as you are over 25 years of age, and have a valid credit card.

Does the hong kong 60 or 80gb PS3 play australian PS3, PS2 games and DVD's?
Q. Only people who know please. I'm living in Australia and I'm wondering is there any region code restrictions? I think that there shouldn't be because Hong Kong and Australia are in the Asia Pasific region. Also will there be any online restrictions? Please help me!

A. I bought mine from singapore and its the 60gb with playstation2 backward compatiable. You will be able to play the ps3 games fine as there is no region lock but the blu-ray movies are regioned into 3 lots A B C but I found that in perth were I live the video shop rents blu-ray movies and most are playable on A B C (no region). But also the ps2 games are also region locked so no luck there. Just keep your old machine as you will not play them as often as you think,remember ps1 games! put that in your ps2 and look at the graphics if you dont remember.....

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What is it like for a foreigner to live in South Korea?

Q. What is it like for a foreigner to live in South Korea? In terms of the following:

Dating Scene
Quality of life
Cost of living
Acceptance of foreigners
Attitude of locals

Any information would really be helpful. Thanks!

A. Hospitality- If you are staying ay a hotel, your Korean friends house, or whatever, they always serve you well even if they don't like you.

Friendliness- It depends on where you are, or what terms you are talking about. If you are being served in a restaraunt or something of the sort, the friendliness is there. If you are walking in the streets and somebody you don't know bumps into you or something like that, there are no manners at all to say sorry. Basically if they don't know you, there's no friendliness. Unless they are making money off of you.

Dating Scene- If you are a white guy in his 20s to mid 30s, decent looking, and not overweight...the chances of you dating a Korean quickly are high. If you are dark skinned, middle eastern, southeast Asian, or of African decent it's extremely hard. I have quite a few friends in this circumstance. If you are a foreign woman, you could get a Korean guy easily. Most Korean guys don't have a foreign girlfriend, because in all honestly most foreign women are not attracted to them. The chances of a one night stand between Koreans are high, however between a foreigner and a Korean, it's not. aka look at the huge population of love motels. lol

Quality of life- Fairly good depending on your job. If you are an English teacher, you get good benefits and a good salary. If you are a migrant worker, you work your butt off and don't get much in return. There are 4 levels of housing. Lowest is a Goshiwon, a very small room in which most students live in. A one or two room villa, an officetel, and an apartment is the highest. Those are incredibly not affordable for foreigners, so we usually live in the villas, or sometimes officetels. The streets are clean, thanks to the poor people over the age of 60 who have almost no money. Every morning you'll see a poor old man or woman tugging a huge amount of boxes or plastic.

Cost of living- Almost the same as the west. With the exception of housing. Usually they are asking for a large deposit, anywhere from 5,000 to 20,000 USD. If your job pays for you, you only have to pay for utilities, phone bill, and food.

Acceptance of foreigners- Still low, however they are daily taking styles of the west and remaking them into Korean versions. If you are a young foreign guy here, your acceptance is low. If you are woman it's higher. They think most of us are just here for money, and their women. Look at the west, the Asians that go there are about the same too huh?

Racism- Huge

Attitude of locals- Selfish. ill-mannered and unaccepting of anything but their family.

Don't get me wrong, I'm still here even though there are all of these negative things. But I'm one of the ones that cares, so hopefully in my future tenure here things will change for the best. Remember in any circumstance the negatives outweigh the positives. It's better that you know them first, before you make a change in your life.

Is life in South Korea good if you are an American that becomes an English teacher?
Q. Is it hard to become one and how is the salary?
Would it be easier in South Korea if you were married to a native Korean person?
Is it easier for a guy or a girl to get a job as an english teacher in South Korea?

A. Look up web sites for "teaching abroad". I want to do this sometime. You get a certification through the company to teach english. You don't have to know korean. The idea is to use english to teach and the students will learn it better if you don't fall back on korean. The pay looks fair to me because they set you up in housing so you can save more of the money. the web sites are good for this kind of info.

What is the best school/organization to work at in South Korea?
Q. I'm hoping for people with personal experience teaching in South Korea. I taught English in China for five years and hope to get over to Korea to teach within the next year. Average salaries? Good salaries? What is usually expected to be included with contracts (eg; housing, food, etc.)? Thanks in advance

A. Hello

You can find answers to all of your questions on the Korean message boards at Dave's esl:

Check out the FAQ section for living and working information.
You can also view sample contracts here and connect with other teachers.

There are so many options on the type of organizations to work for, from private institutes and corporations to public schools or universities, and they all have positives and negatives so it is hard to say what might be the best organization for you.

Another good site is English Spectrum for info and job postings:

There are many sites you can find more info at, these are just a couple to start with.

Good luck,

How much money would I need to bring if I wanted to visit SOUTH KOREA?
Q. hey

My mom and I want to go to south korea (she's korean and misses it so much).

We're just wondering how much we need.

We have relatives there that wouldn't mind offering a place to stay for a month.

Transportation seems to be cheap since everywhere you go, there's buses and taxies...

Food doesn't seem too bad, ...or is it?

How much would a plane be?

PLEASE help! Thank you so much!

A. Round trip is roughly $1500
Transportation for a month, a bus is $1 , subway is $1,
per person one way.
Food? Most Korean restaurants charge about $3 -$6 per person,
Western McDonalds is $5 per person.
Shopping for clothes depends on you $
Hotels- Western $150 per night
Korean style
Type 1. Love motel, nice , clean but bad VCR movies in the hall way. $40
Type 2. Old, $25 per night
Type 3. Jin-Jil bongs, dormitory, bath house with bunk beds
$6 per night, similar to a youth hostel , but many familes go once a week for relaxing and entertainment

$3000 for airfare for two people
$100 per month for transportation for two people
You will eat out probably 5 times per week (either lunch or dinner)
and there will be times you take your Korean family along
You might spend the night out at a hotel once in a month for 1 night~ $150


Maxium $6000
Minium $4000

My calculations may differ then yours

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Sunday, December 9, 2012

Want to rent a bounce house or moonbounce house for daughter's birthday party but there is still snow outside?

Q. Want to rent a moonbounce house for daughter's 4th birthday party but it'll be in Minnesota in March. Do rentals let you rent during winter and with snow on the ground? Has anybody rented a bounce house for party in the winter?

A. LOL put it in the garage!

How could we college students rent a house?
Q. ok if me and a couple of friends in college wanted to rent a house and split the costs, could that work? i only have a little credit and they don't have any, would anyone even rent to us? and how could we protect ourselves if one person stopped paying their share?

A. Usually involves one individual assuring the lease. Most landlords will require disclosure of all those that will occupy the property. That leasee will then be soley responsible. The only protection would be the allowance of subleasing creating accountability by the other occupants. Would not over ride the original lease. Finding landlords that allow subleasing would be difficult.

What are the chances of 8 seventeen year olds and an eighteen year old being able to rent a house?
Q. Me an my friends have gathered a good amount of money amongst ourselves and really want to rent a house on the beach this summer for about a week or two. We are all very dedicated to doing this but I am a little skeptical that this is even possible.

A. Many landlord are reluctant to rent to people so young. In the seashore town where I once had property a property owner could have his short term rental license revoked if his tenants became too rowdy, so many landlords avoided kids.

Sometimes an older adult would rent the property and when the time came only a bunch of kids would show up. Sometimes landlords would refuse the rental if the person signing wasn't present and would keep the deposit.

Do I call a Realtor if I want to rent a house out in NYC?
Q. I live in Michigan and wanted to rent a house out in NYC (just outside of it).
Who do I call? Do Realtors handle rentals or only selling houses for clients?
Thank you!

A. Yes. Well Yes and No. Many REALTORS are happy to help with both of your needs. I would ask for their experience in renting places out. Its a very different ballgame.

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