Friday, December 7, 2012

How would an international student rent a house in Boston, USA?

Q. I'm a British student, part of a group of us studying psychology, who will be working as research assistants on various Harvard related projects, starting Fall next year.

Does anyone have any advice at all about how to look for housing, renting it, any legalities, cost and deposit, and where to get stuff to furnish housing? Anything specific to Boston would be amazing, but at this point just some idea of what the hell we have to do!
Any tips from current students? Like how did you find housing?

Thanks guys, we are a bit clueless at the moment!

A. first off, im not from Boston so i cant give you any really specific info on where to look for housing, what the rental market is like etc.

A good first place to start would be to speak w someone who works for the school. Call their off campus housing dept if they have one. Ask them the process that someone would take to get housing if they are not from the area and unable to visit before-hand to set up a living situation. more likely than not the office has come across this situation many times.

Contact the program director and ask him/her for the contact info of the current UK students that are research assistants this year. Maybe they have a house together and would be willing to contact the landlord to see if he can arrange to have you guys move in when they move out.

You can find some housing info online via and but be wary of these sites as there are some a-holes on there that like to scam people out of housing deposits. I suggest if you do this then try to rent through a rental company that you can find legit info on the internet and who has good recommendations from previous tenents.

Legalities wise if you find a house to rent find out how long the lease is. If you are here for 9 months but do a 1 year lease (whihc is the most common) then be aware that u will need to find someone to sublease for the summer or pay the rent for the apartment from home even tho ur not living there). you put down a set deposit in the beginning (and sometimes the last months rent if u dont have a co-signer) and as long as the place is in good shape at the end of the lease then you get the deposit back.

These are just my suggestions. Worst comes to worst, show up a few days before hand with some housing visits arranged ahead of time, check out the digs, and go with whichever one seems best in person. Good luck!

Will a bad US credit rating affect me in the UK?
Q. Do other countries have the same credit rating systems as the US? I am moving to London in the next month, and I would love to buy rather than rent housing. However, my US credit rating is too low to obtain a loan. Will I have a somewhat clean slate in the UK?

A. You have a choice between having NO credit or having bad credit.

So I would say "yes" , it will affect you either way.

How much money should we save?
Q. My husband, my son (who will be 2) and myself are planning to move to the UK this summer. We have the correct visas, and all that. But about how much money should we save. We are flying from Atlanta Airport to Heathrow in London. Were staying 1 night in London, then continueing to Hampshire. There we will be paying rent on a house. We have figgured to bring about 4000 pounds. Maybe 3000 pounds?

A. It depends on what your doing. I had a teacher who went there with his brother and he, in the span of one week, spent 4,000 on the entire trip but that is including airfare. I think that 4,000 for spending will be okay. It just depends on what you do there. And remember that everything over there is at least double that in our money. For an entire summer I would take a little more just to be on the safe side. When I went I was with a group. I only had to pay for one meal a day though and my subway tickets along with hotel were part of the package with EF-tours and I still spent about 900 dollars just site seeing and my third meal. I don't want to tell you that 4,000 will be enough but maybe my information will help you a little on your decision.

How to find a owner of a house?
Q. Hi I live in the UK. A house near me has been empty for a long time. The owner died and left it to her daughter that lives in Canada. She seems to have no intrest in it at all. I want to contact the person and ask them if I can rent out the house to different people and I will take a percentage of it in return for looking after the property. How would I go along doing this?

A. The local tax assessor's office should have that information as it is public record.

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