Friday, December 7, 2012

What were the websites hacked and or attacked?

Q. Some South Korean and American Websites were cyber attacked.
Just wanted to know what sites were those...

Any fake posting will be reported!

Thanks In Advance!

A. I heard The White House, Pentagon, Secret Service, Treasury and a few South Korea websites. Oddly, wikipedia and hotmail weren't working. (Im not sure if that was the attack though)

How did the Obama team renegotiate an agreement already negotiated by Dubya back in '07 & mess it up so badly?
Q. US, South Korea Trade Talks Stall...
"After more than a week of negotiations to amend a Korea-U.S. free-trade deal, originally negotiated by the administration of George W. Bush in 2007, South Korean President Lee Myung-bak said they had missed their deadline." - Wall Street Journal online.
Dear Chin T,
Very well stated and impeccably analyzed.


Well several things are going on in the inability for Obama to strike deals with Korea.
First of all there is this:
"Obama held bilateral sessions with Chinese President Hu Jintao and German Chancellor Angela Merkel, both of whom have been critical of the recent Federal Reserve decision to buy $600 billion in bonds as a way to boost the struggling U.S. economy.

White House officials said Obama and Hu focused largely on currency exchange issues in their 80-minute discussion, but also discussed Iran, North Korea and human rights. "

Which means they along with many other countries, and in fact US citizens object to QE2 and the Federal Reserve monetizing the debt.
It also means that while Obama is trying to push our beef and cars he is also criticizing their Human rights issues. (Not a wise move when you come in as a beggar begging for trade to be more balanced in your direction. That is like criticizing your customer. But Obama has NO business experience at all. And he is doing that while the Federal Reserve buys T bills from Obama's appointee Tim Geithner in a move to make dollars less valuable, something he cannot get through the incoming Congress but obviously is circumventing through Giethner the Secretary of the Treasury and ex Fed President of the NY branch.)

Leave it to Obama to make sure he screws up everything he touches.

What is the chance of a foreigner getting involved with a south korean or japanese?
Q. I thought east asian culture tends to kinda subliminally forbid (through parents) the marriage of a foreigner and a korean/japanese person.

Or is it just because there are so few western people living there that relationships cant happen?

I am really into asian people but could such a thing happen?
I heard asian people are too shy and even a meeting with a girl or boy is quite a big thing there...

A. Well...culture has changed a lot recently. Even 10-20 years ago, you wouldn't see many people open about dating. A person from a decent family was expected to work and get a semi-arranged marriage with someone of the same class. Women were expected to get decent schooling and marry soon after. Times have changed, and many young people are more open about relationships. There are still many conservatives, but not as bad it was decades ago. Unlike the states, where it's not odd to bring your bf/gf over to your house, even during high school, Koreans will generally bring someone home only when there is a strong intent for marriage. It's uncommon to show your parents your gf/bf if you're "just dating."
I can't say much about Japan, but Korea is still one of the most homogeneous countries in the world. We don't have different ethnicities and we only speak one language. We don't have a minority group. If you have friends from Korea, you may notice that they may come off as racists, and only like to hang out with fellow Koreans. It's just naturally in our blood as there were really no foreigners in Korea until the end of the Korean War. Even then, most Koreans weren't exposed to foreigners. The concept of non-Koreans is still relatively new to Koreans, and historically the foreigners we did encounter (Japanese, Chinese primarily) were more hostile than friendly.

The majority of the older generation will definitely frown upon a Korean dating a foreigner. Sadly, even many of the younger generation is influenced by this. When there is a white-korean couple walking down the street, there are many that will stare. Korea may need more time, or perhaps Korea may never be "open" about foreign marriages. But rest assured, there are still many Koreans that would love to be in a relationship with a foreigner. There is a HUGE difference between the marriage lifestyle of an average Korean male and an American male. That's a whole other topic, but simply put, there are many Korean women that have realized that there is a better alternative to marriage with a Korean.

How much is the average cost of living in South Korea?
Q. How much is the average cost of living South Korean port city of Busan. for a family from 2 adults and one child.

How much is the average cost of living South Korean port city of Busan. for a family from 2 adults and one child. I mean how much the average cost per month.

A. I don't know about Pusan. I haven't lived there for 30 years, but Seoul (which is more expensive) can have quite high housing costs. I suspect you should plan on spending between 2,000,000 and 3,000,000 won per month for housing, food, transport, etc.

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